Facilitation supports the idea that knowledge is gained through participation. It requires a non-directive art of providing the right stimulus for a group to participate fully in their own growth through their own involvement. The emphasis is not on telling learners what to do but rather asking the kind of questions that enable participants to see the possible results of changing behaviour.
Learning include:
- Understanding Facilitation
- Plan and Prepare for Facilitation
- Implement Learning Strategies
- Group and Individual Learning Facilitation
- The Group Learning Facilitation Process
- Evaluation
This programme will introduce learning programme development from an outcomes-based perspective focusing on the principles of open learning or flexible learning. It also allows you the opportunity to define target audience profiles and skills gaps as part of the process to plan the development of your material.
Learning include:
- Plan and prepare for development
- Develop learning materials
- Develop learning facilitation guidelines
- Pilot and evaluate the development