Group learning interventions are great opportunities for people to explore, learn, share and grow.
This leads to higher retention rates. We focus on skills to be a better I, and to collaborate with and serve others more productively.
Your innovative learning partners
This leads to higher retention rates. We focus on skills to be a better I, and to collaborate with and serve others more productively.
A unique, practical learning experience where we learn that serving is a high-level human function. Customer service requires making genuine, caring connections with people to create exceptional human experiences.
The systematically planned and direct guidance of an individual or group by a coach to learn and develop skills that are applied in the workplace and which translate into clearly improved customer experiences.
Write professional, customer-centric emails to enhance your brand by:
1. Writing grammatically correct sentences.
2. Writing different formal business e-mails according to the correct structure and without errors.
This programme not only provides you with a theoretical basis on diversity, but also gives you the tools to use the theory practically in your workplace.
Gaining an understanding of the main purpose of the Employment Equity Act:
a. promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination; and
b. implementing affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups, to ensure their equitable representation in all occupational categories and levels in the workforce.
Facilitation supports the idea that knowledge is gained through participation. It requires a non-directive art of providing the right stimulus for a group to participate fully in their own growth through their own involvement. The emphasis is not on telling learners what to do but rather asking the kind of questions that enable participants to see the possible results of changing behaviour.
This programme will introduce learning programme development from an outcomes-based perspective focusing on the principles of open learning or flexible learning. It also allows you the opportunity to define target audience profiles and skills gaps as part of the process to plan the development of your material.